Cassandra Allen
Cassandra made the move to Coldwell Banker Community Professionals in late 2023. With over 13 years of experience in real estate sales in Toronto, Guelph and Hamilton under her belt, she thought it time to make Hamilton her permanent work base. Since 2016 Hamont has been home for Cassandra and her love for the city is unending. With a degree from the University of Guelph in ID Political Science & Administrative Change, along with her recent certification in Residential Real Estate Valuation from UBC, Cassandra brings a well rounded view to buying and selling Real Estate. While Real Estate is her day to day, she is also a keen lover of the Hamilton art scene and is always looking out for a new restaurant to try (send your best veggie recommendations her way).

Kelsey Sutcliffe
Sales Representative
Always spotted with a coffee in her hand, Kelsey's keen interest in the Hamilton Real Estate market led her to become the most recent addition to the Allencliffe Team. Originally from New Zealand, her adventures found her in Canada. Since 2019 Kelsey has called Hamilton home and has become the biggest champion for this little city. With 10 years of experience in advertising, plus a sprinkling of home renovation work, Kelsey provides a unique perspective on the home buying and selling experience. Her specialty areas include working with first time buyers (particularly those new to the country) and folks looking to find the perfect century home they can add their own flair to.
While we work across the wider GTA area (and sometimes a little further afield) we find ourselves focussed on three key markets?

Our first true love and our own backyard. We work with buyers and sellers across Hamilton and specialize in those new to the city, particularly the downtown area.

Focussed on those with growing families who are still in need of a good commute, we help our clients through the process of finding the perfect spot in the Burlington area.

With 10+ years of history working in Guelph, Cassandra provides historical knowledge and excellent insight for those looking to find their place in this growing city.